Principles, Pillars and a Million Dreams to Realise our Shared Vision
“Few, if any, forces in human affairs are as powerful as shared vision.” – Peter Senge
When people share a common vision and a connection with each other, they move towards that vision in a very powerful way.
It’s really important to clarify: What is the shared vision of Xchange Connexion and our Partners?
Explaining the concept of a shared vision was probably best captured by P!nk with her song: Million Dreams.
“A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it’s gonna take
Oh, a million dreams for the world we’re gonna make”
Because, truth be told – there is no ‘one shared vision’.
There is a broader shared vision of a more inclusive, thriving World for all life forms sharing it. And for each partner, and even each member in that partner organization, that broader vision represents a lot of different ‘dreams’.
Partnering to realise our own, and each others’, dreams and the broader common vision
Because everything is so interconnected to each other, and to the whole (World), sometimes we have to all work together to help each partner realise their respective dream to realise our own. Often though, our dreams are the same. For example, many of us want cleaner, unpolluted air and water. So that’s something each partner can work on in their organisation and each household can work on as a family. The more communities and businesses working on reducing their pollution levels, the quicker we all get to realise that particular shared dream.
Working together Matters. How and Why we work together matter more.
Our Partnership’s Regenerative Culture Principles serve as the foundation for our behaviour when we’re working together.
We’re all interconnected to the whole - this includes each other and our World - damage to any part of the whole affects every other part as well.
We’ve all got a part to play - when everyone works together, everyone benefits; the success of one is the success of all.
We act with Integrity - advocating for, and working to realise, what would be best for Planet and People.
We take Accountability - we each accept responsibility for our choices and behaviours today, that affect our future, and that of others, tomorrow.
We practice Transparency - we are guided by good governance and strive to work with honesty and openness.
We believe that there are 5 key pillars we should focus on to guide us towards creating a Regenerative Culture:
- Measuring: We need to accurately and consistently measure ‘where we are’ and ‘where we will be’ and communicate that data in simple terms that talks directly to parents, business owners and entrepreneurs to enable them to see the opportunities and risks of the future. We are aligning our reporting systems with the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Commitment to the Journey: We acknowledge we can’t create a simple plan for a regenerative future, implement it and realise it within a set period of time. It’s an ongoing journey where we’ll need to keep finding, and adapting, our solutions to current, and future, problems.
- Environmental Restoration & Regeneration: Our society largely acts as if humanity is not dependent on Nature to survive, yet we are. Humans have caused so much damage to the environment, that we’ve put our own survival at risk. It’s time to stop doing damage and start restoring, so that current and future generations not only have an environment, but have one that is regenerative and abundant.
- Social Equality and Inclusivity: We have a social and business imperative to transform equity, inclusion and social justice. We need to foster diversity and inclusion, dignity and respect and create a sense of belonging to, that creates a sense of responsibility for, our global society and our shared goals.
- Governance: With corruption so rife in our society, we need to embrace good governance. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society.
Working with the Sustainable Development Goals
To help us prioritise and organise which ‘dreams’ we’re going to aim for and how we will track them, we use the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, the Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals or SDGs as they’re known, are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. They’re a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.
The only way we’re going to realise all the SDGs is by working together. By each playing our part, and each committing to the changes in our personal and global behaviour that we need to, to realise an inclusive, thriving World for all.
5 Principles…
5 Pillars…
17 Goals…
A million dreams..
9 years to go!